
Welcome to the Research Group “ReAll” which is located at the Department of Medical Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Linz . “ReALL” focuses its activities on the computer-assisted development of bionic arm and leg prosthetics for amputees with highly motivated students. The teaching activities take place in cooperation with AUVA, which acts as a mediator for the teaching prostheses.

Our Mission is to develop prostheses in co-operation with both users and manufacturers. Following the examples of nature our work is strongly based on bionic principles steadily reducing the gap between healthy natural and artificial limbs.

Our Vision is to support all individuals in need of limb prosthetics. Unfortunately, people in emerging and developing countries do not benefit from the advancements in limb prosthetics to the same extent as those in industrialized nations. The situation is similar in conflict zones. The reasons for this are often significant infrastructural challenges and a lack of qualified personnel. Read more…

Dr. Othmar Karas
First Vice President of the European Parliament
President of the Aid Organization Austria

The images in the slideshow depicting the situation in Ukraine are from the website UNBROKEN,   Prosthetics Rehabilitation Clinic in Lviv, Ukraine which also holds the copyrights to the images!

Visit of Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hubert Egger (FH OÖ, Linz, Austria) at the UNBROKEN National Rehabilitation Center, Lviv (Lwiw)

At the invitation of the city of Lviv, on April 19, 2024, Prof. Dr. Egger (Professor of Prosthetics at FH OÖ) visited the UNBROKEN Rehabilitation Center to gain an overview of the assistance needed to provide more targeted support in the future. Additionally, he gave a lecture on modern techniques in prosthetics to several interested prosthetists and surgeons at the center. The shipment of prostheses for study purposes had already been made prior to this meeting.

The visit aimed at mutual acquaintance, professional exchange, and assessing possible options for collaboration in the training of prosthetists in Lviv. The meeting was organized by the OeAD Cooperation Office Lviv, the Ukraine Office Austria at the BMEIA, and the BMSGPK Office at the Austrian Embassy in Kyiv.